Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Snow falls...

It's snowing. Like really snowing. Like tap the brakes and still slide by your dirt road snowing. I am in love with this type of snow. Even if it meant spending double time in the dark getting the girls ready and putting some Vaseline on their combs to prevent frostbite, adding more bedding and shutting them up tight for the night. Chores were, well not a chore. More like a meditation.

There is something almost cathedral like when the snow falls and the air is crisp and the sky is dark with bright edges. All you hear is the crunching of your boots and your breath. The world feels big and magical. Like it's all okay.

The picture above is last year during the start of the snow. We were siding the house and trying not to break the lengths of concrete siding in the wind. I am awestruck with the home we have made.

Now, it's time to snuggle down with the pups. And to pray for a snow day tomorrow. It could happen.

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