With that said, I have been preparing some pretty good size meals for J. Lots of things I can't eat right now, which helps me in the not nibbling department. Tomorrow he leaves for a week long camping trip in the Rocky Mountains hunting elk. Last year he came home empty handed. This year, and several shopping trips later, he is well geared and better prepared. He also bought a mini GPS so he doesn't lose the four wheeler again, or himself.
To add to that bounty, I was able to dig up close to a half bushel of potatoes. Not nearly the three bushels of last year, but enough for J. Potatoes are out for me right now. As is any processed grains, sugar, flour, out of season or sweet fruit and well, basically anything I don't cook myself. This diet was amazing for the two months I was on it. I felt better than I ever have. Unfortunately, the issues we were fixing weren't quite fixed, and it looks like there are probably a couple more. All fixable though. And the way I feel eating whole foods, well, I hope to make this a permanent change.
While I've got the crock pot going and another pot cooling on the stove, I'm going to sneak in some reading time snuggled up with the dogs. I should be vacuuming or doing some other long overdue domestic chore, but those can wait until later in the afternoon. I have a day off darn it. And I'm using it! Michael Pollan here I come.
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