I'm home sick today. Not homesick, but in bed and not at work sick. What I thought was allergies and a pound of drywall dust up my nose is actually a cold and the beginning of sinus chaos. Going non-stop will do that to a girl. This girl anyway.
This weekend was cold. Really cold. So J and I quickly sheathed the front of the house where the electric company moved the meter. Then we went inside.
J put on another layer of mud on the bathroom walls. We decided to get someone who knows what they are doing to complete the finish work on the drywall. Maybe use a skip trowel technique to match the plaster in the original part of the house. Then we ripped out the base of the drywall in the living room and I painted kilz around the bottom. I think that was this weekend.
Friday night was a home depot run to get plywood to lay in the living room to strengthen the subfloor. Then we will lay hardwood. We go back and forth about what we should get. I like wide plank and love the hickory we laid in our house in town. The rest of the house is a thin width red stained wood. We have talked about eventually going over all the old wood with new wood, as there is no subfloor under the old wood and in some places is looking a little thin and moving. (Not good that your floor dips when you walk on it.) So, new style or match the old wood. That is the question and cost will probably have something to do with the answer.
We started ripping down the drywall in the living room. While disgusting, there is a certain charm and joy in putting a hammer through the wall, grabbing an edge and pulling it down. I think we all enjoy demo. Some of us a bit too much. A girl has to have some fun right?
We also had a visit from our neighbor across the road. He explained that he sees us here all day on the weekends and thought we might need a little something to help us through and he needed a little something to do the day before. He made us a banana bread and brought it over. Now, that is a neighbor. And bonus, it was really good, especially during a break with fresh coffee. We gave him a tour and he couldn't believe the work we were doing and what we've done so far, He isn't alone in that. I am constantly amazed at what we have accomplished. Again, I so can't wait to be there full-time.
There was a short break in there somewhere on Sunday. J made a homemade target and we went to the mound in our field and set it up. Sunday was the first day I shot my new rifle. Again, I have never been much for guns. I don't play many video games or anything like that. I must say though, I am a pretty good shot. First one I missed the whole target, then set my aim again and hit it every time in the circle in the middle. I tend to move ever so slightly down and to the right. After two rounds I was done. Too cold. Numbness was setting in and the dogs needed to come back outside more than I needed to shoot at wood. But, guilty pleasure, it was fun.

The agenda for the rest of the week, windows get delivered tomorrow. Call the tree guy to place an order for the spring, place my seed order (yesterday, best day of winter...Baker Creek seed catalog arrived!!), and get all the little nails out of the framing in the living room so we can hang the new drywall Saturday. Unless Saturday is above arctic chill, then we finish the last bit of siding and hang the soffets.
Yeah, we can sleep next year.
Oh, and I finished reading Barnheart. It came in the mail Thursday. Awesome. Loved it.