Saturday, April 7, 2012

Diggin' it...

J is outside on the tractor right now (so wish the camera wasn't broken). He hooked up the tiller for the first time and is practicing in our new garden bed. Looks good and I cannot wait to put in my potatoes, onions and greens. Soon!

I started the seed pots and they are warming up and drying out (a little enthusiastic with the watering). I will start the seedlings today. All 144 of them. We have a very ambitious spring in front of us. I need to find someone to deliver us a large load of composted manure. Our bitty pickup isn't quite up to the job, I don't think.

We had a fun evening last night. We went to the local organic farm for a community potluck. It was nice that it was open. It was at the Andy's (farmer) house and the guest of honor was Farmer John, from the documentary, "The Real Dirt on Farmer John". Awesome movie (you can watch it on YouTube or purchase it on his website. John runs Angelic Farms, a bio-dynamic CSA outside of Chicago. He was very fun and the evening was great. We met a lot of wonderful folks and farmers.

They showed the movie after we ate and then had a Q&A with John and Andy. It was a great discussion about the future of organic farming, small farms, the economic viability of such, and a brief history of the CSA. Andy's farm is the largest CSA in the country and likely the world, as the CSA is unique to America (and Canada to a much lesser degree). The energy and the ideas were exciting. Here is hoping for more opportunities for such discussions in the future. It was truly inspiring to be around the creative energy. My dream is to find some way to make a living as part of this community of farming/cooking/community building/etc. I have lots of ideas, but lack a strategy as to how to manifest them. Who knows, I didn't expect to have a farm now, and to be preparing to plant a 25'X300' garden.

Today, is a good day. Even if the days plans keep changing. Which will likely result in me not doing as much as I would like. It is a good day anyway.

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