Saturday, April 14, 2012

Winter isn't finished...

I just read the forecast. Today is beautiful and a bit breezy. Tonight, rain and some snow. The mountains in Colorado are supposed to get nailed tonight into tomorrow. Ahhh, spring.

Yesterday I went to a local organic horse farm and got a load of compost. It is beautiful. They do good compost. I also scratched the side of the truck. Luckily it is our old farm truck. We were going to bring the new truck. Glad we didn't. It wouldn't have fit through the gate I had to go through to get to the back of the property. I told on myself. And then today J told me he hit the barn (of course the new sided part) today with the tractor bucket. I so don't feel so bad anymore.

I am training the dogs this weekend that chickens are their friends and not for chasing or eating. They are good so far but I don't quite have the trust level to let them hang out without my constant attention. The little guy has taken to chasing rabbits and he is so focused nothing breaks his concentration when he is on the hunt. So don't want that with my girls.

The scones, they are lovely. Wonderful treat to wake up to.

J has been on the tractor since early this morning. He has been leveling the recycled road base we had dropped off yesterday to do the driveway. It is looking good. Hopefully we can keep from having the large swales that we had before.

I am enjoying being outside more and more. When we lived in town we sometimes wouldn't go outside at all. And to take the dogs for a decent walk we either had to go somewhere else or walk to the park and risk a ticket for having them off leash. Now, we go out the door and can walk for acres and they can run around like the little maniacs they are.

The house is also becoming cozier and cozier. It really feels like home and I feel a sense of contentment and relaxation I haven't felt for quite some time, looking at it in hindsight.

I planted the last tray of seedlings today. I am so late with the garden chores. I called the farmer down the street today and asked if he could stop by so we could work out a boundery between our garden and the pivot field he is working. Don't want to be in his way or be a bad neighbor.

Well, off to enjoy the day before winter pays a visit on her way out.

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