Saturday, March 10, 2012

New digs...

By 7:00 am this morning we were loading up two large pickups and trailers. By we, I mean our friend Gary, J and I. Small crew, but we were able to get all the large furniture in the farm house by noon. Then we feasted on fresh salad with apples, walnuts and grilled chicken. By then we needed it. A few others arrived in the early afternoon to help with the second load. Then it was on to the second feast of spicy chili.

For a much smaller home then the one we are leaving, it seems to be more spacious in some ways. We have a lot more room for the dining table and have both our couches in the living room. My favorite room will be the office with the big fat reading chair, if I can claim it before the dogs that is.
Well, I need to run, as I came back to the house in town to grab some clothes and a couple things we overlooked getting moved today. I just wanted to give a quick update. It's starting to look like home already. Too bad I packed the book I was reading. That chair is calling me.

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