Friday J an I took the day off to head to the mountains outside of Denver and 30 miles down a dirt road south of Jefferson Colorado. We were greeted by this handsome fella (above) coming toward the property.
To have an opportunity to be of service is an awesome gift. As a supporter, you eat and drink for those sacrificing eating and drinking for the greater good. Each sip or bite is a prayer to those on the hill. And during that time they are grateful for each sip and bite you take to nourish their journey.
Saturday my phone died. Not that I had much for coverage in the first place. (In case you were wondering, no I cannot hear you now.) That was right after I got a message from my friend that I lost one of the girls. One of the Rhode Island Reds. I immediately knew which one. It was the hen that each year becomes broody. Which means she sits on the eggs (with no hope of baby chicks, lacking a rooster) and denies herself food and water. If i am there it can take up to a week of locking her out of the nest box and forcing her to drink and eat. I wasn't there, and she didn't show strong signs before I left. She didn't make it. J did.
All of us mostly refrained from outside input. Hence, we did not know a forest fire was raging near our homes in Northern Colorado. Sunday night was our first notice, while the folks were still on the hill. At that time it was 14,000 acres (?) and growing. Many homes lost. We didn't get much word beyond that. Monday morning we went to gather the folks from the hill and bring them back for a closing ceremony and their first meal. One of the guys called his wife (i-phone, guess it's the way to go) and found that his wife and son had been evacuated. We came down the mountain to a lot of smoke, some of which we glimpsed 3 hours south of the fire, and a lot more friends evacuated. The changing winds caused the spread and made it unmanageable.
This was a picture in the Coloradoan last night. The same friends that feared for their home in the canyon fire several weeks ago had their house saved twice in this fire after receiving a manic 11 pm phone call from a friend Saturday night yelling for them to leave immediately as the fire crested the ridge above their house. So far, so good. But so much anxiety and unknowing in such a short span. I feel for them. We believe some friends were not so lucky and may have lost their home.
It makes one grateful. Not for stuff. But for family and friends, safety and support. I love my farm. We are in a safe zone, and the fires are likely not to come to the flats when they have so much fuel in beetle killed pine trees. Prairie grass is not so appetizing in comparison. It has made me think, what if I lost this dream. Up in a puff of smoke. I know I would grieve, mostly for all the lost possibilities of this place as it is and what it is becoming. I know I would feel relief, for the surviving. And I know I would do just that, survive, and thrive with new dreams. Mostly because of family, friends, safety and support. Perspective is a wonderful gift. I received it through so many different messengers this weekend. My prayers go out to everyone. Those experiencing and to those witnessing.
This is the view from our house tonight. While we are asking for the rains to come, those are not rain clouds or mist.
Be safe. Though scary, that picture of the fire over the river is a pretty stunning photo. Love you xoxo